
When we look at a tree we are only seeing half of the plant! Walk Under the Trees is about adventuring underground with a bit of knowledge and a lot of imagination. Coming Up - E17 Art Trail Walk Wednesday 12 June, 6-8pm in and around St James...

Look closely and see familiar forms in a different way. Turn the tables and experience a different perspective on the everyday; beautiful or disorientating? What would you like to see differently? Gemma Seddon and I were delighted by the simple, playful illusion created a giant periscope...

Edible Education started out as a dream to take over school dinner halls and put on performative food surplus feasts cooked and served by students. I haven’t quite realised this dream (yet) but I did secured funding from David Tyler Trust, Awards for All, and...

‘The complexities of a food system in which waste is so prevalent are mind boggling. The facts and figures surrounding this environmental and social tragedy are confusing and disempowering. Cirque de Surplus engages people on a meaningful level while using participatory theatre to bring a...

Treasure of the Trees was inspired by a visit to Langthorne Park, Leytonstone where a surprising array of mature trees stand hidden just off the main road. It was the setting for 'Land Ahoy', the finale of Grandad's Island: Page to Pave - an highly ambitious...