The importance of spending time outside couldn’t be clearer after a year of lockdowns. So why not turn the valuable outdoors into a valuable learning experience.
This session will demystify food growing and show you how every year group can grow something to eat this school year. It isn’t about teaching young people to become farmers but providing the life-long skill of giving food growing a go and understanding the true value of food.
The session will provide examples for linking food growing to lessons and creating a sustainable school food culture.
- Participating teachers will:
- feel confident planting vegetable seeds with a class
- collaborate on a plan so every class can grow something
- set ‘awe & wonder objectives’ for inspiring students with their local environment
- understand some of the social as well as environmental consequences of our global food system
- identify three achievable stepping stones towards a more sustainable school food culture
- When is best for this course?
- Ideally teachers and support staff will take this course in September or June when food growing opportunities can be planned in.
- Spring is also a great time to connect with growing cycle and shake off winter.
- Format:
- Variable/ tailored to suit
- 90 minute after school CPD, half day inset or 3-5 after school sessions depending on length of time.
- Themes/ topics/areas:
- Primarily ties in with science and PSHE curriculum
- Provides opportunities for using food and food growing in maths, literacy, art and design
- Food growing and a sustainable food culture contributes to many whole school initiatives such as Eco-schools and UN Rights Respecting Schools.
- Course cost:
- From £250 for a session for up to 15 members of staff